Afrikan Genesis
UCI ~ I See You
excerpts from the book...
Afrikan Genesis
Amazing Stories of Man's Beginnings
by Ishakamusa Barashango
One of the main purposes for the writing of this series is to assist our readers in making the
connection between those things one has seen and heard from the many streams of the
everyday Black Experience and the documented evidence of the greatness of Afrikan People
and their civilizations in world history.  That is why we do our best to present factual data in
juxtaposition to those elements most familiar to our readers.

It is in keeping with our commitment to the continuing policy of Fourth Dynasty Publishing
Company to add something "new and unique" to the body of literature and informational
materials known as the science of Afrikanology -- that is the study of things Afrikan -- and to
participate in the great and exciting period of rediscovery being conducted by Afrikan-centered
scholars in the present and to help translate this marvelous brain trust into the language and
style of the "popular culture" that we do this.  It is also our sincere hope that this knowledge
may become the property of the masses and be regarded as a national and Pan Afrikan treasure
beneficial to and enjoyed by all our people.  We as Fourth Dynasty Publishing Company do
truly believe that the potent knowledge of our glorious history should be collectively owned by
our people and rewritten upon their hearts for unending generations to come.  For it is written
in one of the world's most ancient Afrikan history books "After those days, said the Lord, I will
put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God and they
shall be my people."

In keeping with this divine mandate, our daily prayer is that more and more Afrikan from every
walk of life, wherever we are in the world today will continue to organize and institute study
groups and from these satellite bases established research centers, community libraries,
museums, and even Afrikan-centered institutions of higher learning.  Fortunately, you do not
have to start out big to do this.  All that is needed is a few sincere committed Brothers and
Sisters who will lovingly join forces on a consistent basis, pool their resources, obtain a space,
even if it is no more than a store front and build from there.  You may be amazed at how far you
can go with this once you set your mind to it.  In fact there are already many such efforts in
progress in many Afrikan communities.  Most of them would be more happy to network with
you.  Lord knows we certainly have an enlightened army of scholars and brain trusts to provide
information and guidance for these endeavours.

Again I would remind you that Black People from all walks of life can participate in this
process.  What a glorious undertaking.  What a marvelous vitality and positive stimulus this
would/will bring to our community.  For once the Black Race begins to obtain a sufficient and
proficient "knowledge of self", it will be just a matter of time before many of us will be about
the business of collectively transforming our communities and moving our race further along
the high road of our rightful place in the sun.  Helping to keep this idea alive and encouraging
its fruition is the sacred goal and mission of Fourth Dynasty Publishing Company, as we strive
to "attain victory in concert with other Afrikans of like mind and spirit".
Nothing is hidden from God's view!...
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