Principles for Organizing Your Day
Create daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly plans.
It is preferred that all plans are initiated prior to the time period in which the plan starts. For example, it is preferred that daily plans are drafted prior to the day in which the plan is executed; however, if that is not possible, then continue to draft a 'To-Do" list that will provide a guide on the important items for the day. This applies to weekly, monthly, and yearly plans in which more long-term or extended action items can be accomplished.
Always begin by reviewing your daily plan.
By reviewing and adjusting what you want to accomplish during the day, and establishing your priorities you become goal-driven rather than task-driven, thereby driving your day, instead of letting it drive you.
Schedule and do priority tasks first (or as close to first as possible).
This allows you to make sure that you get the most important things done, and while you are still fresh.
Schedule protected or concentrated work time to do your priority work as early in the day as possible.
It's impossible to do concentrated or quality work if you're constantly being interrupted. By scheduling protected time (even just an hour per day) you become more productive and less stressed.
Schedule a time period during the day for "self".
This allows you to control the "unstructured" or "unplanned" things, instead of them controlling you.
Schedule repetitive/mechanical or less "taxing" tasks for late in the day.
When you're tired it's difficult to concentrate, and you don't do your best work. By doing the mechanical or less "taxing" tasks late in the day you won't get frustrated by your lack of concentration, and at the same time you continue to feel productive because you're getting things done.
Review, evaluate, and adjust your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly plan at the end of each time period, respectively.
This gives you a sense of completion. The day is done, you've done your best, you've got a plan and are in control of tomorrow.
Source unknown...