Restoration of the Solomonic Dynasty of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I
Emperor Haile Selassie I spearheaded the formation and leadership of the Organization of African Unity (OAU). Along with other leaders, working for African Liberation, the OAU evolved into the African Union (AU). With a multitude of constituents to enlighten about Modern Ethiopianism, we remember the utterances of wisdom from His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Haile Selassie I.
“.... We know that there are differences among us. Africans enjoy different cultures, distinctive values, and special attributes. But we also know that unity can be and has been attained among men of the most disparate origins, that differences of race, of religion, of culture, of tradition, are no insuperable obstacle to the coming together of peoples. History teaches us that unity is strength and cautions us to submerge and overcome our differences in the quest for common goals, to strive, with all our combined strength, for the path to true African brotherhood and unity. ....”
- Haile Selassie the First - May 25, 1963
“Out of Many, One People”
Imperial Ethiopian World Federation (I.E.W.F.) Agricultural and Community Development Plan for the 21st Century and Beyond
To build a modern state requires the concentrated strength and effort of each one of you. If We do not build the roads and bridges and schools, if We do not plough the fields and till the soil, if We do not carry on the trade and commerce of the nation, to whom shall We look for the accomplishment of these tasks?
His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I
Economic Development - Infrastructures
Free education from birth through life. Although we believe monetary compensation is a driver of educational pursuits, we know the natural passion to address various interests, opportunities, and challenges, faced at all levels in our: family, community, country, continent, and world, will drive pursuit of educational excellence and commensurate compensation.
Clean and sustainable. Africans must develop self sustaining power systems (e.g., Solar Pack, etc.,) that are able to support their family energy needs within their respective communities. Larger energy facilities must be developed to support larger business enterprises and regional initiatives (i.e., Hydro Dams, etc.).
African Development Bank (ADB)
Environmentally-friendly shelter using natural, strong, and sustainable building materials (e.g., concrete, concrete blocks, and cement, etc.,).
Precious Elements: (Critical elements for the sustainment of human, plant, and animal life on the planet) Oxygen, Water, Soil
Metals & Precious Minerals: Alumina, Aluminium, Bauxite, Columbite, Copper, Diamonds, Gold, Iron, Iron Ore, Lead, Manganese, Mica, Nickel, Platinum, Palladium, Quartz, Silver, Steel, Tin, Titanium, Zinc
Industrial Minerals: Diamond, Phosphate Rock
Mineral Fuels Coal, Oil, Uranium
Security to protect all African resources, people and property, from exposure to disease/violence. Security forces can perform agricultural transportation duties during periods of low activity.
African Union Security Forces (AUSFs) exist to protect all African resources, people and property, from exposure to disease and violence. AUSFs can be kept active during periods of low security activities:
- Regionally organized Conflict Resolution Units to respond to civil conflicts within their
respective region and support for contiguous regions.
- Regionally organized Emergency Response Units to respond to disasters, man-made
and natural, within their respective region and support for contiguous regions.
Transportation & Distribution
African Transcontinental Railway from North to South; East to West; and all around the continent. Identify suitable short-term and long-term routing and build-out from existing Railway systems to mining and manufacturing facilities for African distribution while simultaneously connecting to other rail systems and ports for foreign export. This will expand port development and create transportation arteries to the African interior for agricultural, resource and energy development.
Highway and Roadway routes will be necessary to supplement the primary mode of transportation, railway, to get people and produce to transportation and distribution hubs, respectively. Highways and Roadways will be limited to reduce carbon footprint and pollution from burning fossil fuels.
Systematically linking countries via rail systems across the entire continent allows for efficient and cost effective transportation of food, people, and products, especially in times of crisis (e.g., disease, climate, drought, conflicts, etc.).
Economic Planning (Water, Food, Shelter, Education....)
Engineer and develop methods of extraction and irrigation that will provide clean water locally, regionally, nationally, and then globally for sustenance for humans, agriculture and animals.
Engineer and develop methods of agriculture that maximizes the use of organic fertilizing that will increase safe food production and standardize the proximity to fresh produce locally, regionally, nationally, and then globally for sustenance for humans, agriculture and animals.
Engineer and develop methods of home construction that maximizes the use or combine raw materials, such as concrete, that will increase stability and protection against local and regional extreme climate/weather conditions.
Engineer and develop methods that maximizes life-long free access to comprehensive education that is accurate, complete, and timely.
Health and nutrition: Optimum health requires mental, physical, and spiritual nutrition. Nutrition of the mind with wisdom, the body with food, and the spirit with truth and justice, MAAT.
Technology and Innovation
Engage integrated information services to identify areas for technological and engineering solutions to increase productivity, efficiency, effectiveness; locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.
Financial: (Resource Revenues - Operational Costs) = Investment Income
- African Union Currency (AUC) - Single currency to be used for trading between
African countries and then with non-African countries.
Investment Income Distribution Formula: 50% - Returns to the Country (Develop resources and infrastructures) 20% - African Resource and Infrastructure Development Fund 10% - Employee Investment Compensation (Education and Training) 10% - Company Operations & Re-investment (Salaries & Production Costs) 10% - Investors
We determine resource revenues based on the value of respective resources where they reside and oversee the operational costs to reflect accurate resource revenues and 'Investment Income Opportunities'.
Keep it simple!
Purchasing is responsible for engaging consultants that can provide the initial expertise necessary to train African subject matter experts who can provide local, regional, national, and global technical services.
The African Union must provide centralized government support to regions and countries that in turn provide support to local governments. It is incumbent that the African Union adhere to the charter articles set forth in the original OAU Charter and subsequent AU Constitutive Act, so that we are not distracted by 'Economic exploitation' under the guise of 'Cooperative Economics'.
- Employment for indigenous Africans from local, regional, national, and global
communities. Short-term building and long-term maintenance and servicing.
- Environment: Clean air, clean water, clean food, and long-term environmentally-friendly
- Provides cost-effective, efficient, reliable and environmentally-friendly transportation
for both people and goods.
- Agricultural produce efficiently produced and effectively distributed to local, regional,
national, and global markets
- Access to affordable agricultural supplies for local, regional, and national Farmers
- Infrastructure development
- Land preservation and restoration
- Protection, conservation, and development of existing and new water sources
- Trans-continental rail system consisting of integrated local, regional, and national
rail infrastructure
- Trans-continental roadways consisting of local, regional, and national roads &
bridges infrastructure
- African educational system consisting network of African Universities, Colleges,
High Schools, Elementary, and Pre-school systems
- African Healthcare System consisting of hospitals and clinics, locally, regionally, and
- Disaster and Crisis Preparedness. With the extreme climate changes projected, Africa
will also be impacted and will have to have a complete and robust transportation infrastructure in place to move people, supplies, medical personnel, workers, military, etc., from any point to point in the most effective way for large-scale operations that cannot be adequately addressed by a small specially-trained AUSFs Disaster and Crisis Resolution Teams used for elite operations and rescues.
- African Union Infrastructure Development
- AU Charter adherence, compliance, and modernization
- Environment Protection Cooperative to establish local, regional, and national
environment policy and regulations for clean air, water, and land and wild-life resources.
- Agricultural Cooperative to establish local, regional, and national agricultural policy
and regulations for developing and maintaining a healthy sustainable food supply.
- Housing Cooperative to establish local, regional, and national policy and regulations
for designing and building affordable housing for all families.
- Transportation Cooperative consisting of integrated network of African
Universities, Colleges, High Schools, Elementary, and Pre-school systems
- Healthcare Cooperative consisting of hospitals and clinics, locally, regionally, and
Sword of Fire
" .....The stake of each one of us is identical - life or death. We all wish to live. We all seek a world in which men are freed of the burdens of ignorance, poverty, hunger and disease. And we shall all be hard-pressed to escape the deadly rain of nuclear fall-out should catastrophe overtake us...."
Source: Nyahbinghi Rastafari ~ FB post ~ 24 April
Nothing is hidden from God's view!...
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